Swedish Guidelines on Paediatric Anaesthesia

Guideline 1

Anestesiologens ansvar i samband med anestesi av barn < 3 år

English title

“The responsibility of the anaesthetist in the context of anaesthetizing children < 3 years of age”


NB! Relates to a setting where anaesthetic nurses are part of the service, thus, you may at one time be expected to supervise more than one room. States that children < 3 yrs should be anaesthetised by a “paediatric anaesthetists” as far as possible/reasonable.

Guideline 2

Rekommendationer hur barnanestesiverksamheten i Sverige bör organiseras

English title

“Recommendations on the organisation of paediatric anaesthesia in Sweden”


Deals with which type of procedures and ages of children that a small (DGH), medium and university hospital are expected to be able to handle and which that should be transferred to the appropriate higher level of care.

Guideline 3

Riktllinjer för smärtbehandling hos barn- akut och postoperative smärta

English title

“Guidelines on pain treatment in children: Acute and postoperative pain”


Guideline 4

Riktlinjer för Svensk Barnintensivvård

English title

“Guidelines for Swedish paediatric intensive care”


NB! Joint document between paediatric anaesthesia, paediatric surgery, paediatrics, and paediatric pain societies/sections in Sweden. Deals mainly with organisational issues and resourcing.

All the above guidelines are endorsed by the general Swedish Society for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care.