
2023 Prague

Dear colleagues, It has been an enormous pleasure to meet you all in Prague at our society’s annual meeting 2023…

Dear colleagues,

It has been an enormous pleasure to meet you all in Prague at our society’s annual meeting 2023 at the Cubex Center from September 27th to 30th 2023. We are delighted to welcome nearly 500 attendees from over 50 countries at our congress. The conference has been organised by our long-term organising team from our partner Guarant International around Lucie and Jakub – we are happy to continue this collaboration at future events.

It has been a conference with a large variety of lectures, over 100 abstracts for oral and poster presentations, interactive workshops, and problem-based learning sessions. We are thankful for the support from our colleagues from the Czech Society of Anaesthesiology who organised and held the well-attended ultrasound workshops.

The recordings of the main lectures will be available for members in our video archive within the next weeks:

We appreciate the networking character of this event and hope you have all enjoyed sharing these moments during the conference, the welcome reception and our congress dinner at the Folklore Garden.

30 attendees participated at our charity morning run of 6 km. The funded money will serve to enable young colleagues to apply for a grant to attend our next conference in Athens.

We hope you have all been pleased by the conference, had wonderful moments together and returned safe home with good memories and lots of new ideas for your daily routine.

Our next conference will be held in Athens from September 26th until 28th 2024 and we hope to welcome you all in that wonderful city.

On behalf of the ESPA Executive board,

Best regards,


Michael Brackhahn
ESPA President